How we work

We work in ways that meet your needs.

We deliver a top-tier service, without the baggage of a bigger firm. That means we can focus on you.

We take the time and trouble to listen to you. To find out what you want to achieve, and how you want to see that delivered.

We have structured our business to deliver value.

We have sought to avoid or mitigate the overheads that drive the rates of traditional firms.

We provide significant partner input at a sensible price.

We build teams around jobs. We don’t see jobs as a means to feed teams.

Partnering with brokers to get the best for policyholders

How we work

When you work with us you will be dealing with specialists who respect your expertise and collaborate with you to meet the client’s objectives.

The words “insurance broker” encompass an enormous range of businesses of different sizes, varied structures and distinct service models and philosophies. Because we understand this, we tailor our legal services offering to each individual broker’s needs.

Partnering with loss assessors and other claims professionals

How we work

We have the expertise to support and supplement the work of claims professionals.

Most of the time claims professionals get their clients’ claims paid without any need for support from a specialist law firm like Wynterhill LLP. Occasionally, however, we will be contacted for support when a loss assessor or claims consultant is confronted with unusual circumstances and a difficult insurer or loss adjuster. We have worked alongside many of the UK’s leading loss assessing firms and independent claims consultants in such cases.